The Municipal Institute of Sports and Recreation of Valledupar. Is the entity in charge of promoting community participation and functional integration under the terms of the Political Constitution and Law 181 of 1995, as well as coordinate and develop programs and activities that promote the practice of sports, recreation and the use of free time in the Municipality of Valledupar; in addition to cooperating with the corregimientos and municipalities as well as sports and recreational entities in the promotion and dissemination of physical activity, sports and recreation and attend to their financing. One of the objectives of the current Municipal administration is to coordinate, advise and guide the implementation of massive participation projects in the social, sports and community aspects. The creation of spaces full of coexistence, peace and tolerance, where the problems that afflict our country, our Department and Municipality are catalyzed by the practice of sports activities, thus allowing the construction of a social fabric, an essential element for transcendental change. que necesita nuestro Municipio a través de los sub programas llamados Juegos COMUNITARIOS POR LA PAZ, JUEGOS POR LA INFANCIA Y LOS JUEGOS CORREGIMENTALES beneficiando un total general de 1.290 personas en el año 2017 y 1.890 personas_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_in the year 2018.