The functions of INDER Valledupar are the following:
Propose the local plan for sports, recreation and the use of free time, carrying out its monitoring and evaluation with community participation established by Law 181 of 1995.
Schedule the distribution of resources in their respective territory.
Propose the plans and projects that should be included in the National Sector Plan.
Stimulate community participation and functional integration under the terms of the Political Constitution, Law 181 of 1995 and other regulations that regulate them.
Develop programs and activities that promote the practice of sports, recreation, physical activity, the use of free time and physical education in its territory.
Cooperate with other public and private entities to fulfill the objectives set forth in the Development Plan and the National Sports System.
Ensure compliance with urban regulations on the reservation of areas in urbanizations and in urban renewal projects, for the construction and/or adaptation of sports and recreational venues. In the same sense, guarantee compliance with current environmental regulations at the time of executing the works.
Formulate and execute focused programs for the vulnerable population, in accordance with INDER Valledupar's mission objective, guiding them towards their rehabilitation and social integration.
You may enter into agreements with banking or credit entities or any public or private entity, in order to manage resources.
Associate with public or private entities, of the international, national, departmental and municipal order, to fulfill the functions established in the Development Plan, Law 181 of 1995 and its regulatory and amending decrees and in these statutes. Likewise, it may enter into all types of contracts whose purpose is the development of its object, in accordance with current regulations.
You can buy, manage and exploit movable and immovable property whose purpose is complementary or related to its mission purpose.
You may sign agreements to offer or receive technical cooperation in accordance with current regulations on the matter. In general, all those activities that are within its object or are necessary for the fulfillment of its purposes.
Ensure compliance with the rules established for the safety of participants and spectators in sports activities, and the physical and sanitary conditions of sports venues.
Guarantee that the elaboration of the projects and programs of the institute are carried out in accordance with the needs of the community.
Define guidelines for the promotion, advice and training in the fields of recreation, sports and physical activity, with the purpose of encouraging and strengthening the participation of the community in the development of the Institute's projects and programs.
Promote that the practice of sports, recreation, healthy physical activity and the use of free time, serve as a strategy of peace, security and coexistence for the municipality.
Plan, program and execute the construction of sports facilities with the necessary equipment, facilitating access to the entire population, in accordance with current regulations.
Contribute to the development of family, school and extracurricular education for children and youth, for the proper use of free time, sports and recreation as fundamental elements in their comprehensive personal and community training process.
Coordinate actions and programs that guarantee the articulation of sports, recreation and the use of free time, with the formal and non-formal educational processes of educational establishments.
Promote healthy physical activity as a tool for disease prevention and health promotion.
Collaborate in the recovery of public space for sports, recreation and healthy physical activity.
Authorize and control, in accordance with the regulations issued for this purpose, the operation of academies, gyms and other commercial organizations in sports, physical education and martial arts areas and activities (Law 729 of 2001).
Manage and execute resources for the construction, adaptation and maintenance of the Sports Infrastructure of the municipality.
Manage and preserve the sports and recreational venues and facilities of the municipality.
Integrate the environmental component and the processes required by the different programs and projects of the institution.
Establish the mechanisms that allow Directing, Planning, programming, executing and controlling sports, recreational activities, physical activity, habits and healthy lifestyles, physical education, extracurricular activities and good use and exploitation of free time.
Promote the dissemination and access to information of the community to all programs, processes, projects and activities of INDER Valledupar.
Organize and establish the modalities and forms of community participation in the promotion, development and practice of sports, recreation and the use of free time.
Ensure the planned and coordinated practice of physical exercise and sports in the different spheres and levels.
Develop strategies and actions that make it possible to develop excellence in high-performance sports.
Comply with the goals contained in sports, recreation, and physical activity in the National, Departmental, and Municipal Development Plan.
The others indicated by the legislation on sports, recreation, healthy physical activity and use of free time, which is issued by the national government and these statutes.